This article will cover running Super EF2000 (the Windows 95 version of EF2000) in the PCem emulator.
Super EF2000 is feature equivalent to EF2000 with the TACTCOM upgrade. However the GFX+ upgrade is not compatible, as the game was rewritten as a dedicated Windows 95 application using the DIrectX libraries. It is also known as EF2000: Special Edition and is present in the EF2000 V2.0 edition as 'EF2000 for Windows 95'.
For this guide the latest version of PCem v17 will be used. PCem is used in preference to native Windows 10 as there are timing issues with the game engine running too quickly on modern hardware. PCem ensures the sim will run at the correct speed.
PCem setup
If you're completely new to setting up PCem or need a refresher, I highly recommend the excellent YouTube tutorial video by PhilsComputerLab, PCem Windows 98 Setup.
Before following the steps in the tutorial, take a look at the advice in the Sound card section below.
Once you have a basic, clean Windows 98 virtual machine and hard disk image, I recommend:
Taking a copy of the basic virtual machine to create a game specific virtual machine.
Taking a copy of the basic hard disk image to create a game specific image.
Use PCem and reconfigure the game specific virtual machine to use the game specific hard disk image.
If things go badly wrong, you'll always have the basic image to try again with and it'll save a lot of time and effort if you ever want to try a different game with PCem.
Sound card
The sound card specified in the tutorial is the Soundblaster PCI 128, however running EF2000 with this emulated card results in distorted audio with a constant humming during gameplay. It's recommended to replace the emulated card with a Soundblaster 16 or Creative AWE 32 sound card.
Drivers can be found at the PhilsComputerLab website, both for the Soundblaster 16 and AWE32. Drivers can also be found at the VOGONS Vintage Driver Library. Once complete you may wish to take a copy of this clean Windows 98 AWE 32 or Soundblaster 16 machine and hard disk, for future games that struggle with the Soundblaster PCI 128.
Since it uses a fairly standard Windows installer app, installation should be straightforward and complete without issue. Once complete there is no need to run a config utility as config questions are asked during the installation.
The default installation folder (on the PCem virtual machine) is c:\Program Files\Digital Image Design\EF2000.
There are no patches for the english language version. However there is a single patch for french and german versions of Super EF2000. It is a small file replacement patch with no associated readme so it isn't clear what this patch enhances or fixes. It can be found at the Internet Archive.
It's recommended to run with either the physical cd in the host machine drive and configured in PCem or a bin/cue cd image pair (to preserve the red book cd audio) of the game cd, mounted in PCem (I prefer to use cd images). This will allow the selection of cd audio/midi should you wish, from within the in-game options page.
HOTAS setup
Take a look at my Controllers and retro sims part 5: PCem guide for installing HOTAS controllers in PCem. Once you have a custom calibrated Windows 98 controller the hard work is done.
As long as the 3rd axis is the throttle and the 4th axis is the rudder, which can be checked in the Windows 98 control panel in the Game controllers section, then the game will correctly assign the axes.
Virtual controller
For those with HOTAS controllers with more than 4 axes, you'll need to use your profile software to limit the total number of axes to four. The below example is how my Warthog joystick, throttle and rudder pedals were configured as a virtual controller:
Physical axis | Windows axis |
Joystick x-axis | DX_X_AXIS |
Joystick y-axis | DX_Y_AXIS |
Throttle | DX_Z_AXIS |
Rudder pedals | DX_XROT_AXIS |
This virtual controller was used to set up the twin joysticks in PCem.
The existing DOS manuals were converted into Windows help files for Super EF2000. However pdf versions of the manual and addendum are available on the cd and recommended reading.
In addition the I feel it may be worth trying to track down the keyboard command reference as the pdf version is probably easier to use than the Windows help version, and the theater map.
Good hunting!