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Subwar 2050: North Atlantic Campaign (Partial) Walkthrough

North Atlantic campaign

This is taken from some of my earlier posts on the GOG Subwar 2050 forum. The campaign was played under DOSBox-X running at 12000-33445 cycles. This is worth mentioning in case the cycles affect wingman or weapons performance. I don't have a walkthrough for the training missions or missions 1 and 3 of the North Atlantic campaign, although I didn't have any issues with them and they are fairly straightforward.

Mission 2 - Power Station

This mission seems to suffer from some flakey scripting issues. Load up with 3/4 torpedoes, 3 decoys and lots of rockets. Give your wingman a 3rd torpedo. Head to waypoint 1, 2 and 3. At waypoint 3 reduce power to 15/20 and head towards the nearest mine. Destroy 4 mines using rockets the first in front, the one to the left of it and two to the right. This should move the front enemy sub, a Hurricane into a better position to attack.

ALWAYS attack the Hurricane first, failing to do so will cause a weird scripting error where destroying the Hurricane later, always leads to your wingman being destroyed. Once the Hurricane is destroyed, manoeuvre to the Typhoon enemy sub and destroy it with rockets.

If your wingman is still alive, you're in a good place.

Destroy the last 2 mines with rockets. Move to the north side of the base and switch to active sonar. Issue special orders to your wingman, charges will be planted and a countdown begins. Issue further orders to get them back into formation.

A third enemy sub turns up, engage with torpedoes. At this point you probably have enough time to engage and get your wingman to engage the enemy sub as well, once destroyed leave the area at full speed.

I ended up doing something different, after firing off the torpedoes and running until I came to a cliff and the countdown ended. My wingman caught up and an enemy sub appeared shortly after, giving chase. Ordered the wingman to attack and finished it off with rockets. Once destroyed the mission ended.

Mission 4 - The Extraction

I generally went with 6 torpedoes, 3 decoys and as many rockets as could be carried, although 6 torpedoes may be overkill. Set your wingman to have 3 torpedoes. Head to waypoint 1 then onto waypoint 2, where you should find the base. Taking it slowly destroy the 2 mines above the base, you can remain above the thermal layer. Pinging with active sonar will bring your wingman over to your position.

Now for the tricky bit, set the wingman to special orders to begin the base infiltration. Immediately 2 hostile subs appear, as soon as you have these contacts, change your wingman's orders to attack one of the contacts. Then you need to select the other and fire off about 3/4 torps in quick succession, hopefully killing one sub whilst your wingman kills the other. You may also need to help your wingman finish off the 2nd sub.

Once both hostiles are gone, set your wingman to special orders again. Your wingman will dock and begin clearing both domes. The 'domes' are the structures with the lights on top although that isn't made clear.

Once both domes have been cleared use your rockets to destroy the big dome with the light on top (this is the one that actually looks like a dome). The second 'dome' looks more like a tunnel but has a light on top, destroy with rockets and should get the mission accomplished message.

Mission 5 - Shooting Mother

Load up on torpedoes for yourself and your wingman. Ignore the waypoints and tell your wingman to attack the sub further away on the left whilst you deal with the nearest sub on the right.

I don't think you have to destroy these subs, just distract them long enough for the explosive drone to reach it's target. This one gets a bit chaotic as soon as the torps are launched.

Mission 6 - Miner Forty-Niner

Load up with 4-6 torpedoes, 3 decoys and as many rockets as you can carry. I normally just load up the wingman with 3 decoys and rockets.

Head to waypoint 1 then onto waypoint 2. Change your heading to 000 (North) and accelerate forward, hit the first sub with rockets. Then there should be 2 more subs, send your wingman after 1 while you deal with the other one with torpedoes and rockets.

Mission 7 - Routine Patrol

Lots of torpedoes or rockets, whatever you're happy with. Switch to active sonar. Run through waypoints 1, 2 and 3. You should then get a message about the carrier, so get to waypoint 4 asap. There should be 2 subs, give your wingman 1 and destroy the other yourself.

Mission 8 - The Net

Load up with as many rockets as possible, I had 46. Each installation will take 6 rockets at close range, so get as close as possible and you'll need 36, so things get tight.

The 1st installation is unguarded. The 2nd/3rd are guarded by torpedo mines, but it may be worth ignoring them and just take the hit from the mine to save rockets, wait for repairs to complete and destroy the installations.

The 4th/5th are guarded by a sub, I tended to hit the sub with 3 rockets, quickly destroy the installation then run. The final installation I positioned myself behind the sub with the installation between us, hit the installation and ran.

Mission 9 - Raid the Titanic

Take 4 torps, lots of rockets and 3 decoys, give your wingman lots of rockets and 3 decoys.

This one is tough, fire up active sonar, accelerate at top speed on a bearing of 079 and get below the thermal layer.

You'll see 3 subs, send your wingman after the middle one towing the nuke. Fire 2/3 torps at the Hurricane on the left to get it on the defensive and give you some time, switch to and kill the right most sub (Typhoon I think) with rockets. Alternatively get up close to the Hurricane and hit it with 3/4 torps to destroy it although it means you have to be quick in killing the Typhoon.

Then you'll need to assess the situation, you may need to help your wingman or if he's destroyed the target already, get him to go after the Hurricane or finish it off yourself or together with your wingman. Sometimes the nuke towing sub will still be around so kill it off first, before engaging the Hurricane

Time is really really short on this mission, the middle and right subs head straight for your base at speed!


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